Custom Broker Selection

Custom Broker Selection

A Custom Broker its an individual authorized by the Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público though a license, to promote in behalf of others the clearance of goods under various customs regimes provided for in the Customs Law, for those who hire their services. Customs Brokers in Mexico engage in various activities; however, their primary goal remains the same: to assist importers and exporters with all aspects related to international trade in customs procedures and international transportation logistics.
Therefore, their activities can be classified as follow:

Filling of Customs Declaration

Customs Declarations are a tax declaration approved by the Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público, in which the following information is declared:

  • Type and quantity of transport goods.
  • Necessary data to facilitate the merchandise identification.
  • Origin, value, and taxable base of the merchandise.
  • Non-Tarrif Barriers that must be complied with.
  • The type of operations and the customs regime to which they belong.

Customs declarations are documents of great importance in foreign trade, as they serve to cover the legal stay and possession foreign merchandise and to make tax deductions for international purchases.

How to do tariff classification

All merchandise entering the country must comply with tariff duties and adhere to tariff restrictions and regulations.
A customs agency can expedite this process, as long as the importer provides the necessary information regarding the identificación and properties of the merchandise. 

How to carry on with the payment of contributions

According to Article 53 of the Customs Law, the customs agency and blockers are responsible for the payment of foreign trade taxes and other related concepts arising from the imports in which the customs clearance is involved.
It is worth noting that this process can be carried out once the taxable base of the merchandise has been determined, as this allows for the calculation of contributions and other payments. 

Determine the type of custom regime

When the merchandise enters nacional territory, they must be allocated some to one of the customs regimes. A customs broker can refer the merchandise to the following:

  • Definitive Importation
  • Definitive Export
  • Temporal Import
  • Temporary Export
  • Customs transit
  • Transformation, processing, or repair in a bonded warehouse
  • Bonded warehouse

It's important to mention that customs agencies work alongside the authorities to:

  • Guarantee an effective implementation of customs policies.
  • Customs modernization.
  • The proper oversight of all foreign trade operations.

As a result, a customs broker plays an important role in all operations carried out in the country.

At Azafra Customs Agency as a logistics operator and customs agency, we have the infrastructure and sufficient experience to enhance your foreign trade processes by offering services such as: changes of regime, online registration of operations, foreign trade audits, among others.


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