Customs Brokerage Company

En Agencia Aduanal Azafra ofrecemos el servicio de Comercializadora aduanal e Importación de mercancías a México, lo cual nos permite brindarte un servicio Completo incluyendo Despacho aduanal, Logística Internacional, tramites de Padrón de Importadores y Padrón de Sectores específicos

Through our company SB LOGISTICS, we offer customs brokerage service for importing goods into Mexico, allowing us to provide you with a complete service including Customs Clearance, International Logistics, and merchandise purchase.
Al efectuar tus Compras Internacionales de mercancía, mediante nuestra Comercializadora Aduanal, no tendrás que preocuparse por Tramites y Registros ante las Autoridades fiscales, debido a que nuestra empresa Comercializadora aduanal e Importadora cuenta con todos los Permisos requeridos en México para efectuar Importaciones de Mercancía, tales como Padrón de Importadores, Padrón Sectorial Textil, Padrón Sectorial Siderúrgico y Padrón Sectorial de Productos Siderúrgicos.

Benefits of importing through a customs brokerage-importer

  • Ease the access of your products to Mexico
  • Time and cost reduction in the logistics, transportation, and customs clearance process.
  • Increase the competitiveness and productivity of your business.
  • Elimination of tax and customs procedures before authorities in Mexico.
  • Elimination of Non- Tariff regulations and restrictions procedures.

We carry out an effective and direct purchasing process that drives your business forward


These are our opening hours

Monday to Friday 9:00 am-18:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am-14:00 pm


Get Information On Our Logistic Solutions And Obtain Tailored Advice.

If you have any doubt

Call us: 8671982728 / 8677455930
