Custom Brokers in Nuevo Laredo


Soluciones de Comercio Exterior que te ofrecemos como Agencia Aduanal

  • Mexican Customs Agency registered with the General Customs Administration.
  • American Customs Agency with our own American Customs Broker.
  • Advice on Foreign Trade matters
  • Storage of merchandise in warehouses in Laredo, Texas.
  • Analysis and compliance with Non-Tariff Regulations and Restrictions.

Benefits of working with Azafra Custom Agency

  • Multi-Customs Executive (single contact) with personalized attention in your foreign trade operations.
  • Continuous improvement of logistics channels in customs clearance.
  • Notification on the latest updates of customs legislation related to your products.
  • Follow-up of your operations, from the moment they enter the warehouse to their final destination.
  • Online reporting system, which will notify you of the status of your shipment, from the moment it enters the warehouse until the end of your operation.




